Four predictions for digital marketing
In the past year, we have seen a lot of change. COVID accelerating consumer demands, privacy on the internet become increasingly sort after and once again technology taking another step forward, helping the transparency of your marketing and sales efforts.
However, what does this mean to the world of digital marketing?
We give you our key predictions and the trends to look out for.
Investing in the valuable journey
With EPOS systems, CRM systems and other tools, tracking is no longer siloed to your online and offline landscapes. We’re in a world where you should no longer accept guestimating the value of each marketing channel you invest in, because – even in a rudimentary way – you should be able to piece together the user journey of your customer/prospect.
Understanding the journey of your customers means you can predict and define what route generates a more valuable customer. With this information, you are then able to invest in a user journey rather than just one marketing medium
Yes, this probably is not viable for 90% of companies because of historic structures and technology but it is something to work towards.
Growth of localisation
We have seen the big companies such as Amazon being touted as the true winners of 2020-21 but that is not strictly true.
Consumers are buying into purpose, people and their local communities.
36 per cent of consumers over the last year tried a new brand and 25 per cent incorporated a new private-label brand. The key drivers?
Trying new brands by supporting local/independent and purpose-led businesses (as long as it was convenient to them).
Online marketing need not shy away from promoting the individuals, personality and purpose of the business; as this will becoming increasingly popular.
Make sure you are using owned data
GDPR was a shock to many a business but it was not the end.
We have had a surplus of information available online to target and record information on individuals through third-part cookies etc and this is changing.
Third-party cookies are not owned by the website owner but allow advertisers to track users across the internet (cross-site) and target advertising wherever that user goes.
Google recently announced: "Users are demanding greater privacy--including transparency, choice, and control over how their data is used--and it’s clear the web ecosystem needs to evolve to meet these increasing demands".
The public is educating themselves on the information they give away just by pressing “accept” when they get to a website and because of this, third-party cookies will become a thing of the past.
As the access to external, third-party, data reduces, the information we own, for example, an email list, will become fundamental to our efforts and contextual targeting will make a comeback.
Data first approach
I am a strong believer that data can help you make better decisions; helping you to be reactive and future-proofing your efforts.
As marketing becomes less “fluff” and more quantitative a company/marketing expert needs to collect and analyse the data to try and understand where value could come from. Yes, the creative nature of a marketer will not be replaced but as data becomes more accessible we’re in a position in which we need to use data to stay ahead.
If you're looking for assistance in conducting a competitor analysis as part of your wider marketing strategy, we can help. We offer Kent digital marketing services, as well as SEO, software and app development, website hosting, web design and more. To find out how we can help your business, don't hesitate to get in touch.