Supporting Charity CXK’s ‘Working Heads’ Initiative
Kicking off the start of summer, we’re continuing to win new and exciting projects. We are delighted to help aspiring companies surrounding the Kent area drive digital growth, developing websites to help support business innovation.
We are pleased to announce that we will be working with CXK, a charity that offers empowering services to young people and adults across the South East looking to move into education, employment or training.
CXK is embarking on a new project called “Working Heads”, which is an innovative employer engagement initiative, designed to enhance jobseeker’s opportunities.
We will be developing a web portal allowing both candidates and employers to focus on searching for and advertising jobs, as well as update their profiles.
In addition, we will also be building a Mobile App to aid candidate engagement and communication.
We’re looking forward to getting started with CXK’s new “Working Heads” project, helping this important charity succeed across numerous digital platforms!